
How to Make Parenting More Effective

It is never simple to raise children.

In fact, it’s frequently one of the most difficult—and frustrating things you’ll ever do, especially when you’re learning parenting skills along the way.

Nobody goes into parenting knowing exactly how to deal with everything that comes their way.

However, the finest parents are constantly looking for ways to improve.

Being a good parent, on the other hand, helps mitigate those unpleasant experiences and improving your positive parenting abilities is a fantastic way to start.

View this parenting skill checklist of some things you can do right now to be a better parent to your children to help you work on continually improving your parenting abilities.

1. Increase Your Child’s Self-Esteem

When toddlers perceive themselves via their parents’ eyes, they begin to establish a sense of self.

Your children pick up on your tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions.

More than anything else, your words and actions as a parent influence their developing self-esteem.

Praise for accomplishments, no matter how minor, will help them feel proud; allowing children to do things on their own will make them feel capable and powerful.

Belittling comments or unfair comparisons of one child to another, on the other hand, will make children feel worthless.

Avoid using words as weapons or making loaded assertions.

Comments such as “What a silly thing to do” or “You act more like a baby than your younger brother.

“cause harm in the same way that physical blows do. Choose your words wisely and with kindness.

Tell your children that everyone makes mistakes and that you still love them even if you don’t agree with their behavior.

2. Observe Children Behaving Well

Have you ever considered how many times you react adversely to your children on a given day?

You could find yourself criticizing more than complimenting.

How would you feel about a manager who gave you so much bad advice, even if it was well-intended?

The most effective technique is to praise them when they accomplish something right:

“You made your bed without being asked – that’s fantastic!” or “I was watching you play with your sister and noticed how patient you were.”

In the long term, these words will do more to encourage good behavior than repeated scolding.

Every day, make it a point to create something to praise.

Be generous with your incentives – your love, hugs, and congratulations may work wonders and are frequently sufficient.

Soon, you’ll see that you’re “growing” more of the behavior you want to see.

3. Set boundaries and stick to your discipline

Every household needs discipline.

The purpose of discipline is to teach children acceptable behavior and self-control.

Kids may test the boundaries you set for them, but they need those boundaries to mature into responsible individuals.

Making house rules teaches children about your expectations and helps them develop self-control.

Some ground rules might be: no TV until homework is completed, and no hitting, name-calling, or unpleasant mocking.

You might want to implement a system that includes a single warning followed by repercussions such as “time out” or loss of rights.

Failure to follow through on repercussions is a common mistake made by parents.

You can’t punish children for talking back one day and ignoring it the next.

4. Make Time for Your Children

It is often difficult for parents and children to gather for a family meal, let alone spend quality time together.

But there is perhaps nothing more appealing to children.

Get up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy breakfast with your child, or leave the dishes in the sink and go on a walk after supper.

Children who do not receive the attention they desire from their parents may act out or misbehave in order to be acknowledged.

Many parents find it rewarding to schedule time with their children.

Make a “special night” for your family each week and let your children assist you to select how to spend the time.

Consider other methods to connect – leave a letter or something.

Teenagers appear to require less undivided attention from their parents than younger children.

Because there are less opportunities for parents and teens to interact, parents should make every effort to be present when their teen expresses a want to communicate or join in family activities.

Attending concerts, games, and other events with your teen displays care and allows you to learn more about your child and his or her pals.

If you’re a working parent, don’t feel bad about it.

Kids will remember the many small things you do, such as preparing popcorn, playing cards, and going window shopping.

5. Be a Good Example

Young children pick up a lot about how to act from their parents.

The younger they are, the more they will pick up on your cues.

Before you lash out or lose your cool in front of your child, consider this: Is this how you want your child to act when he or she is angry?

Be mindful that your children are continuously watching you.

According to studies, children who are hit usually have an aggressive role model at home.

Model the qualities you want your children to have: respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, and tolerance.

Demonstrate selflessness.

Do things for others without expecting anything in return. Thank you and provide praise.

Above all, treat your children as you would like others to treat you.

6. Be open and willing to change your parenting style

If you frequently feel “let down” by your child’s behavior, it’s possible that you have unreasonable expectations.

Parents who think in terms of “should” (for example, “My kid should be potty-trained by now”) may benefit from reading more on the subject or speaking with other parents or child development specialists.

Because children’s environments influence their conduct, you may be able to change that behavior by changing the environment.

If you find yourself saying “no” to your 2-year-old all the time, look for methods to change your environment so that fewer things are off-limits.

This will make things easier for both of you.

Your parenting approach will have to evolve as your child grows.

Chances are, what works with your child now won’t work as well in a year or two.

Teens look to their peers for role models rather than their parents.

However, continue to provide advice, encouragement, and appropriate discipline while your teen gains independence.

And take advantage of every opportunity to connect!

7. Prioritize communication

You can’t expect children to do everything simply because you, as a parent, “say so.”

They, like adults, want and deserve answers.

If we do not take the time to explain our values and motivations, children will begin to question whether they have any basis.

Reasoning with their children allows them to understand and learn in a nonjudgmental manner.

Make it clear what you anticipate.

If there is a problem, describe it, share your thoughts, and allow your child to collaborate with you on a solution.

Include the ramifications.

Make suggestions and provide options.

Be open to your child’s ideas as well.


Children who are involved in decision-making are more likely to carry them out.

8. As a parent, be aware of your own needs and limitations

Face it: you are a flawed parent.

As a family leader, you have both strengths and shortcomings.

Recognize your strengths: “I am caring and dedicated.” Make a commitment to improving your deficiencies – “I need to be more consistent with discipline.”

Try to set reasonable goals for yourself, your partner, and your children.

You don’t have to know all the answers; be kind with yourself.

And make parenting a manageable task.

Rather than attempting to cover everything at once, concentrate on the areas that require the most attention.

When you’re exhausted, admit it.

Take some time away from parenting to do things that make you joyful.

You are not selfish if you prioritize your needs.

It simply indicates that you are concerned about your personal well-being.

9. Express your unconditional love

You are responsible as a parent for correcting and guiding your children.

However, how you express remedial feedback makes a huge impact on how a youngster perceives it.

When confronting your child, avoid accusing, condemning, or finding fault, as this can damage self-esteem and lead to resentment.

Instead, even when scolding your children, attempt to nurture and encourage them.

Make it clear to them that, while you hope and expect better the next time, your love is always present.

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About author

Ashique Muhammed

Head of Mathematics Department | Angle Belearn

For the past 12 years, Ashique has been a maths teacher. He leads mathematics department at Angle Belearn. With an A1 mark on both her 10th and 12th board exams, Ashique has an excellent academic record. Along with that, he achieved outstanding results in the All India Engineering Entrance Exam (AIEEE), the State Entrance Exam (KEAM), and the CUSAT entrance exam. With one-on-one instruction, he wants to make math simpler for every learner.

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